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Google’s Year in Search 2017 Showcases Top Search Queries

A lot has happened in 2017, both good and bad. And in such a turbulent year for the world, the top Google search queries were always going to be interesting.

So what exactly was everyone searching for in 2017? Google has given us the annual rundown of what people have been searching for online.

In a tweet, Sundar Pichai, the CEO at Google, said that we have been searching “how” more than ever before. This reflects how Google searches are becoming more fluid in terms of the phrases we use, which lends itself to voice search. Instead of simply searching for keywords or parts of sentences, we are using Google search for far more than just finding relevant websites. We are using it to ask questions, find answers and understand the world.

Worldwide Top Searches in 2017

Other than the video, here are some of the top searches from around the world.

Top Searches for 2017 in the UK

In the UK, there are notable different searches, as well as many similarities.

Below you can see the full recap video from Google’s 2017 Year in Search.